【慶國慶 75 週年迎回歸 25 週年:2024 年亞太特殊社群健康研討會】9 月 25-26 日於澳門倫敦人舉辦,維護特殊社群健康福祉

由澳門特殊奧運會和澳門醫務界聯合總會共同主辦、金沙中國有限公司協辦、澳門基金會資助、澳門皇冠假日酒店支持的「慶國慶 75 週年迎回歸 25 週年:2024 年亞太特殊社群健康研討會」於25 日至 26 日在澳門倫敦人 4 樓宴會廳舉行。特奧會希望透過舉辦是次會議提升大眾對特殊社群健康議題的認識,並關注在醫療和康復方面的需要。



同場亦舉行金沙中國支票捐贈儀式,金沙中國自 2004 年起資助特奧會的「健康運動員計劃」,並成立健康基金,至今已資助超過 720 名智障人士進行後續醫療的跟進,本次金沙中國捐贈澳門幣 273,500 元以支持該計劃的運作。


“Building Inclusive Health in Asia Special Olympics Community Forum 2024”

held at The Londoner Macao, aiming to maintain the health and well-being of Special Olympics Community

Co-organized by Macau Special Olympics (MSO) and Macau Medical and Health Federation, sponsored by Sands China Ltd., funded by Macao Foundation and supported by the Crowne Plaza Macau, “Building Inclusive Health in Asia Special Olympics Community Forum 2024 took place from 25th to 26th at the Londoner Macao. The organizers aim to enhance public awareness of health issues concerning Special Olympics community and their needs in healthcare and rehabilitation.

The opening ceremony of the Forum started at 9 a.m. on the first day. Yesterday’s morning, the officiating guests included:

  • Mr. Luís Gomes, representative of the Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Director of Sports Bureau of Macao SAR
  • Mr. Chen Jian, representative of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau Special Administrative Region
  • Ms. Choi Man Chi, acting Deputy Director of DSEDJ
  • Ms. Lo Choi In, Member of Legislative Assembly
  • Ms. Catherine Kong, Vice-president of Cooperate Communication and Community Affairs, Sands China Ltd.
  • Mr. U Ka Wai, Head of Rehabilitation Service Division of Social Welfare Bureau
  • Mr. Julian Ieong, Director of Operations, Crowne Plaza Macau
  • Dr. Jerry Wong, Vice-president of Macau Medical and Health Federation
  • Dr. Sze Tat Ming, Chairman of Macau Special Olympics

The Chairman of MSO stated: “This Forum brought various stakeholders together to share information on different aspects concerning the health of community with intellectual disabilities, including issues of public concern about the mental health development of the abovementioned community and their caregivers. We hope that our society devotes more resources in the aspects of healthcare, rehabilitation and education to provide more relevant services for individuals with special needs, and our ultimate goal is to build up a more inclusive environment in local community.

The Cheque Presentation Ceremony by Sands China Ltd. for “Healthy Athletes Program” Donation was held during the event. Sands China Ltd. has been financially supporting the program since 2004 and even established a Health Fund to proceed medical care follow- up for over 720 individuals with intellectual disabilities. In the Ceremony, Sands China Ltd. donated totally MOP 273,500 to support the operation of this program.

The Forum includes keynote speech, breakout session, Special Olympics East Asia Clinical Director Training Practicum, Healthy Athletes – Medical Disciplines Screening and workshop. Speakers come from different sectors, including scholars, medical practitioners and representatives of rehabilitation organizations and share experiences and ideas on how to promote physical and mental health of individuals with special needs and their caregivers through innovative technology, sports, art therapy, and dietary and lifestyle strategies.

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類別: 我們的特奧